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Showing posts from 2018
Do you ever wonder why some people appear in your dreams? Or have you ever realize when was the first time a particular person become the center of your night dream story?

dear sweetheart

I apologize for letting a scar, and by being a far, for letting you face it alone with all the bitter smile you wore, and all the things that tore. I apologize for coming late but I try my best for us to get roar, to fight for what is right to reach the soar. And now, for everything we try to bear, only one thing that I could swear, that being all together, day by day, year by year, we will be able to upbear each other, and our name will never lose in my prayer.


Dalam jeda, ku pernah mengiba untuk melipat jarak yang menghampar belantara Dalam keheningan dan rebas kerinduan, ku pernah mengutuki pamit yang tak beralamatkan dan urung tersampaikan Suar nyaliku tak pernah jujur bersimpangan dengan sua ragamu Ucap kabarmu pernah dinanti kemelut beribu tanyaku Tegur sapa canda jenaka harus berbalas dengan dusta hambarnya rupa dan kuasa tawarnya rasa agar segala makna tak terurai berlisan biar tenggelam dalam tenggorok rahasia bersisa kenangan Dan aku telah menempuh perjalanan panjang demi berdamai dengan setiap yang harus ku sertakan dengan kerelaan kalbu dan ketiadaan haru